Lillo has met Beyonce

Today, Lillo tells us about the day he met Beyonce


Two years ago I went to New York. As I am a huge fan of Beyonce, I absolutely wanted to meet her during my trip.

I knew she would be a guest during a show so I waited outside, as I couldn't have any tickets to see the show. I was afraid Beyonce would leave by another door but no, after a long wait, she finally came. I was lucky enough to have a picture, but there were so many people, she couldn't really take a long time for each of us.

Beyonce and me

Beyonce was SO Nice and caring. And beautiful beyond words. She stays one of my best encounter, a real angel from the sky ;) .

Thank you so much for your story Lillo

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1 comment:

  1. Hi! My name is Catherine Hough. I work for E! Entertainment. We are producing a new show airing this fall that highlights fan and celebrity interactions. We would love to use your photo and story. If you are interested please email me at, Thank you!
