Charlene has met Anna Farris, Chris Pratt (Park and recreation) and Mindy Kaling

Today Charlene tells us about her encounter with Anna Farris and Mindy Kaling


I have a little travel companion named Atlantis, who is a Mexican Wrestler that I picked up in Mexico City in 2006 outside of the Lucha Libre. He travels with me, but he also likes to have his photo taken with celebrities. :)
There was a fundraiser for The Mona Foundation in Seattle last year put on by Rainn Wilson (Dwight Schrute on The Office), and featuring some other celebrities/friends of his, like Mindy Kaling, Anna Faris, Chris Pratt (Parks & Recreation, great show!), and the band Visqueen.

After the show the celebrities were mingling with the people who made a larger donation, and I approached Anna Faris and her husband Chris Pratt who I believe were standing with their family who live in the Seattle area. They were super nice and friendly, and seemed pretty down to earth.

Anna Faris, Chris Pratt and Atlantis

I think they are both so funny, so I was really happy to snap a pic of Atlantis with them. Mindy Kaling was also SUPER nice, and you can see her photo with Atlantis.

Mindy Kaling and Atlantis

I wish I had more to tell, but I'm always pretty embarrassed to ask celebrities for photos with Atlantis, so I try to get out of their hair as quickly as possible. :)"

Thanks a lot Charlene, it's already enough. For more Atlantis' encounters you can go on his Flickr

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