Bri has met Demi Lovato

Today, Bri tells us how she met Demi Lovato


I met Demi Lovato last August

We were at a meet and greet in Camden and she was super nice and chatty she greeted me and said nice to see you again. I told her how that was the day four years about I met her for the first time on a make a wish and she asked how my friend was and I told her how she is good and she thanked me for supporting her for so long and we went to take a picture

Demi Lovato and me

She then hugged me so that's how we got a hugging picture and then I had fake eyelashes on so she pused her face against mine and my eyelash got caught on her cheek so we were laughing and I got it off for her!"

Thanks for that funny story, Bri. For more of Bri's encounters, you can follow her on twitter

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1 comment:

  1. Hi! My name is Catherine Hough. I work for E! Entertainment. We are producing a new show airing this fall that highlights fan and celebrity interactions. We would love to use your photo and story. If you are interested please email me at, Thank you!
